Top 5 Common Festivities Celebrated by the Dutch in the Netherlands: Embracing Traditions and Unity

The Dutch ethnic group boasts a vibrant tapestry of traditions and celebrations, each with its unique charm and significance in the Netherlands. From ancient mythological origins to cherished cultural events, these festivities bring communities together and showcase the rich heritage of the Dutch people. In this article, we explore some of the most prominent Dutch festivities, each offering a glimpse into the country’s fascinating customs and values.

The Feast of Saint Nicholas: A Cultural Extravaganza

In the Netherlands, the Feast of Saint Nicholas holds a special place in the hearts of the Dutch, captivating both young and old alike. Celebrated on December 5 or 6, this festive occasion honors the name day of Saint Nicholas, the patron saint of children. While it may have Christian origins, it actually traces back to ancient Germanic mythology, with the Dutch figure of Sinterklaas embodying the god Odin. Resembling Odin with his beard, hat, and staff, Sinterklaas brings joy to children, who receive presents, candy, and poems. The traditional Zwarte Pieten (Black Petes) accompany Sinterklaas and distribute chocolate letters to symbolize Odin’s invention of rune letters. The poems composed during the celebration and the songs sung by children pay homage to Odin as the god of poetry.

Embracing Togetherness: Dutch Christmas Traditions

For the Dutch, Christmas is a time for togetherness and cherishing family bonds. Spanning two days, December 25 and 26, this holiday focuses on spending quality time with immediate family members. Unlike the custom of gift exchange in many cultures, the people of the Netherlands primarily emphasize the joy of being together rather than exchanging presents during Christmas. It’s a time to create lasting memories, share festive meals, and engage in activities that foster a sense of unity.

Old Years’ Night and New Beginnings: Dutch New Year’s Eve

The Dutch eagerly welcome the arrival of the New Year with Old Years’ Night festivities. Celebrated on December 31, this joyous occasion is marked by gatherings with friends and family. Traditional Dutch pastries like Oliebollen, delightful deep-fried dough balls, are savored as a special treat. At midnight, the air fills with cheers and fireworks, as the Dutch extend their warmest wishes to everyone around them. It is customary to express good intentions for the coming year, setting the stage for fresh beginnings. The following morning often involves visits to family, particularly parents, symbolizing the importance of maintaining close ties and starting the year on a positive note.

Kermesse: Where Fun and Tradition Unite

Kermesse, once associated with the anniversary of a church’s foundation, has transformed into a lively celebration of community and heritage. Held annually in the Netherlands’ many towns and larger villages, Kermesse is a captivating mix of feasting, dancing, sports, and funfair attractions. It serves as a vibrant gathering where locals and visitors come together to revel in the spirit of camaraderie and enjoy a wide array of festivities. The event showcases the Dutch love for tradition, providing a platform for cultural expression and a joyful ambiance that transcends generations.

Birthdays in Dutch Culture: A Day of Celebration and Generosity

In Dutch culture, birthdays hold great significance and are eagerly anticipated. Known as “Year days” in Dutch, birthdays are a time when family and friends come together to celebrate the individual. It is considered impolite for a person to overlook their own birthday, as it is an occasion to be embraced and shared. Rather than receiving special treats, it is the birthday person’s responsibility to treat those around them. This is exemplified by the custom of bringing pastries to colleagues at work or sharing treats with classmates at school. Dutch households often have a dedicated Birthday calendar, commonly found in the bathroom, reminding individuals to celebrate their loved ones’ special days.


The Dutch ethnic group’s festivities showcase a captivating blend of tradition, cultural pride, and community spirit. In the Netherlands, from the enchanting Feast of Saint Nicholas to the heartwarming celebrations of Christmas and New Year’s Eve, each occasion reflects the Dutch people’s deep-rooted values of togetherness, generosity, and respect for their heritage. Moreover, events like Kermesse and birthdays provide opportunities for joyous gatherings and fostering connections among individuals. As these festivities continue to thrive, they serve as a testament to the enduring legacy of Dutch customs and the vibrant tapestry of their cultural heritage.

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