Children are also at risk of high blood pressure due to torture

In addition to increasing health risks for children and adolescents due to violence, disease trends are raising concerns about their well-being. According to the study, the prevalence of high blood pressure among adolescents aged 13 to 18 years is 16.2 percent, with a higher proportion of boys. Excessive sitting time, obesity, and physical inactivity have been cited as risk factors. During the Covid pandemic, 20 percent of adolescents suffered from varying degrees of insomnia, including 18 percent, 14 percent, and 16 percent of depression, anxiety, and depression, respectively.

On Thursday, on the occasion of ‘World Children’s Day-2022’, the results of various research on children in the last 5 years were published in a discussion meeting titled ‘Child Health, Development and Protection’ organized by the Department of Public Health and Informatics at Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU). This information is mentioned there.

Public health experts, academicians, researchers, NGO officials, and workers working on child rights were present at the event. Research projects and academic studies published in various international journals related to child health, development, and protection were presented at the event. In the event, the results of the research on the population under 18 years of the last 5 years of the Department of Public Health and Informatics were presented.

The research findings are presented according to five themes. Dr. presented research on child rights and protection. Mariam Sal presented research on online child abuse, and Muhammad Ibrahim Ibn Tawhid published research on adverse childhood experiences and later health problems. Neelima Burman, and Shabnam Azim presented research on the role of media in stopping child abuse, and Dr. Md. Maruf Haque Khan.

Child abuse worldwide is recognized as a health concern and a major barrier to child development, the researchers said. Bangladesh has made significant economic progress in recent times and other social indicators have also improved. However, since the adoption of the Charter of Rights of the Child in 1990, no progress has been made in preventing child abuse.

Interviews with mothers of 45 children with autism admitted to a tertiary hospital in Dhaka city showed that every child between the ages of 3 and 9 had been subjected to physical or mental abuse. 8.9 percent of them have been sexually assaulted at some point.

A study of 1,416 11-17-year-old children in rural Bangladesh (boys, girls, and regardless) found that 19 percent experienced physical abuse, 17 percent emotional abuse, and 78 percent neglect at home, school, and work. Research also shows that working children, children with disabilities, and children living in slums are at higher risk of experiencing maltreatment.

A study conducted on 460 children between the ages of 11 and 17 in rural Bangladesh found that about 33 percent of children use the Internet. They had at least one, two, or three cybercrime tendencies. Children are more likely to be victims of various types of cybercrime including bullying, teasing, gossiping or insulting, anonymous communication with malicious intent, sexually harassing messages or comments, and sexually suggestive images or videos.

Due to recent economic growth and government policies, Internet usage rates have increased significantly, researchers said. Due to low internet knowledge and the inability to use the internet properly, criminals are able to abuse children through online platforms like Facebook, Messenger, IMO, and WhatsApp.

Another study conducted on 456 students (ninth and 10th grade) in urban and rural Bangladesh in 2021 found that 56 percent of boys and 64 percent of girls had been sexually harassed through the Internet. The incidence of cyberbullying among urban children is more than one and a half times higher than that of rural children. Children who use Facebook, TikTok, WhatsApp, and chatrooms are the most likely to be victims of online sexual abuse, the study found.

A study of 24 children between the ages of 9 and 13 found that child abuse is a socially recognized and traumatic experience that has serious physical and psychological consequences. Young children, girls, and poor children are particularly at risk. In the family, open, and workplace, their words are not given importance as they are at a low level and low position.

Another study found that, despite public awareness of the harmful health effects of child abuse, newspapers in Bangladesh often report serious cases of child sexual abuse in a demoralizing manner. The print media is missing an opportunity to inform readers about the social context of child development, protection, and well-being by publishing episodic reports more than thematic reports.

Adverse childhood experiences are traumatic and distressing events that occur before the child turns 18, including emotional, physical, and sexual abuse, emotional and physical neglect, parental separation, maternal violence, drug use in the home, mental illness in the family, and incarceration of family members. Related to the subjects. An adverse experience in childhood doubles the overall physical health risk of acquired exposure.

A study found that mothers who had three or more adverse childhood experiences were four times more likely to give birth to a child with developmental problems. Another study found a significant association of adverse childhood experiences with depression, anxiety, and anxiety in adults. It also appears that more adverse childhood experiences greatly increase the likelihood of developing diabetes in adulthood. Women who had more adverse childhood experiences were more likely to experience violence at the hands of their husbands.

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