What is Education and What are the Aims and Objectives of Education?

Education is the most powerful means of personal development and social development. In a general statement, we can say, “Education is the acquisition of knowledge or skills on something special or special.” However, when it is widely identified, education is a systematic and lifelong process. Again, the formal education we are accustomed to is a form of the narrow concept of education. This article tries to discuss – the origin of the words education and education, the definition of education, the concept of education and the goals and objectives of education.

What Is Education and What Are the Aims and Objectives of Education?

Origin of the word education

There are several opinions regarding the origin of the word education. These are mentioned below—

Many researchers and educators agree that the English word education is derived from the Latin word Educare or Educere. The word Educare here means— to train and to accustom. Some people say that Educare has another meaning— to bring up.

On the other hand, the word Educere means— to lead out. Here ‘bringing out’ means developing latent mental energy. The origin of education is from Educere. Although many people do not believe it, no one can talk without it at the negotiating table.

Analyzing again, the word education did not come directly from Educare. There were several steps to cross in the middle. From the Latin Educare we learn about the birth of several words. Among these are the Latin words Educat and Educatio, hence the origin of the English word educate. Thus the English word education originated in the sixteenth century.

Some people say that the word education comes from the Latin word Educatum which means the act of training. Joseph Towdale Shipley, a scholar, wrote in his Dictionary of Word Origins that English education originated from the Latin words Edex and Duccrduc. Here Edex means ‘to take out’ and Duccrduc means ‘to show the way’.

Education in the general sense

People learn a lot from birth to death. We can call what a person learns ‘education’. This is the basic concept of education. As such, every human being in our society is educated because according to the general concept of education, every human being knows or can do something.

Characteristics of education in the general sense-

Education is the name of what people learn or know

  • No one is uneducated
  • Modern education is a student-centred process; In this education system, the student becomes an active participant in the teaching-learning activities.

Education in the broadest sense

The concept of education in the general sense and the concept of a comprehensive education are basically the same. From the one is born, one begins to learn from one’s environment and learning leads to behavioural changes. Education is a social process in a human endeavour that focuses on solving one or another real problem.

The concept of education given by educators in the broadest sense relates to the overall effect of the environment on the individual. Education is the ability of a person to adapt to the improvement, deterioration or any kind of change or condition of the environment in which he is a member.

Characteristics or features of education in the broadest sense

  • Everyone is educated.
  • Education brings behavioural changes in humans.
  • Education is the result of a human endeavour.
  • Education is a lifelong process.
  • Education is the sum of instructions.
  • Education is based on goals and objectives.
  • Education is a social and psychosocial process.

The concept of education in a special sense

We can also call the concept of education in a special sense a narrow concept of education. The truth is – the word education is always discussed in our discussion table or we use the word education in a special or narrow sense. A conventional formal education system is a form of the special or narrow concept of education. Education in the special sense is the acquisition of knowledge in a particular subject or subjects in a recognized educational institution. Those who have graduated from school or pathshala, from basic concepts of reading, writing and mathematics to various levels of the university are educated according to the special meaning of education. On the other hand, those who could not go to the educational institution at any time are called uneducated.

Some features of education in a special or narrow or limited sense

  • Education is the sum of knowledge and skills acquired in educational institutions.
  • Education is a structural and level based process.
  • Education is a well-planned and purposeful process.
  • The education system is run according to the government or administrative direction of the country.
  • Teachers are engaged in teaching students.

Education in the special sense refers to the education that is acquired in educational institutions. That is why a highly skilled mason is not called educated if he does not have formal education. Even if an engineer with a degree is not very good at his job, he will still be considered educated.

What is education or what is the definition of education?

Everyone who has talked about education has thought of it as their own, defined education as their own. An educator or a sage, regardless of his definition, cannot be very satisfied. That is why it is not possible to avoid the words spoken or written by the educators or sages like those who have come up with the education and education system till date.

According to some educators, the definition of education

Plato identified education as a means to an end. “Education is the way to achieve both personal and social justice,” he said. While education is a means to an end, it is not a means to an end, it is a means to an end.

According to Aristotle, “Education is the name of creating a sound mind in a sound body.”

As John Dewey writes in the book How We Think, “education is the continuous reconstruction of experiences”. John Dewey says that education is a process of living but not preparation for living in the future.

Martin Luther King Jr. says, “Education enables a person to be differentiated from false to true, from unreal to real, from fiction to real by experimenting”.

According to Francis James Brown, “Education is a process that begins at birth and continues throughout life,” Brown said of education. Education is life, education is the whole life ”.

According to Burrhus Frederic Skinner (B. F. Skinner). “Education means growth and growth means multifaceted development”. B. F. Skinner said that learning is a process of ‘conditioning’ in an environment of stimulus, reward and punishment.

According to Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi, “Education is the natural, balanced and progressive development of the innate energy of man.”

John Frederick Herbert says, “Education is the development of human moral character”.

Swami Vivekananda says, “Education is the development of the inherent importance of man.”

What is modern education?

Modern education is the process by which the needs, interests, tendencies, needs, etc. of an individual or a student are taken into consideration and an attempt is made to establish them as an average human resource by adapting them to keep pace with the advancing society and the world. Modern education is a student-centred process; In this education system, the student becomes an active participant in the teaching-learning activities.

Education is a process that helps a person to develop his inner and outer qualities and transforms him into a productive member of society, ie human resources. This process called education is a science-based systematic process. Education changes people’s behaviour. However, it is true that no universally accepted definition or concept of this suffix, which is very well known all over the world, has been formed yet. 

That is why some things are not considered as education. If human learning is to be regarded as education, then it has to come through a number of conditions that, if not fulfilled, cannot be called education. Before education can be considered as a suffix, it has to be seen whether it will be positive, beneficial for the people and the society and will help in bringing about the expected change for the individual and the society.

One of the main goals and objectives of modern education in the modern world is to create human resources and develop human resources.
One of the main goals and objectives of modern education in the modern world is to create human resources and develop human resources. | Photo: Yan

What are the goals and objectives of education?

Just as the concept of education has not gained any specific form, so too there are differing views on the aims and objectives of education. The type of goal and purpose of education has changed from age to age. The goals and objectives of education vary depending on the country, population, beliefs, customs or needs. Here are some common purposes of education:

Learning aims and objectives of education

One of the main goals of education is to acquire knowledge. Acquisition of knowledge enhances the skills of people in different aspects. The development of human thinking is possible only when one acquires knowledge. Acquiring knowledge improves one’s mental condition as well as one’s practical side. It is important to focus on the suffix ‘real knowledge, not just knowledge. Socrates, Francis Bacon, Froebel, Benjamin Bloom and Rabindranath Tagore all emphasized the importance of acquiring knowledge. Even if it is said that the first and foremost goal and purpose of education is to acquire knowledge, no one seems to be able to describe it as wrong.

Vocational goals and objectives of education

One of the main goals and objectives of modern education in the modern world is to create human resources and develop human resources. Vocational education has been given special importance since the Industrial Revolution. Vocational education is needed for the advent of new technologies, job creation and entry into employment. Vocational education plays a helpful role in meeting the basic needs of the people and in the development of society and the country. Vocational or career-oriented education is termed as ‘bread and butter aim of education’ or ‘livelihood of education. Although the main purpose of human education is to acquire knowledge, it is almost worthless without proper vocational or career-oriented education. Vocational education can make a person financially self-sufficient which increases access to various social and state sectors.

Social goals and objectives of education

The purpose of education is not to confine a person to himself or to a few people. Self-centred people can easily be ostracized. People are social creatures and the purpose of education is to make people skilled in social skills and to prevent them from becoming outcasts. The question may arise as to what might happen to the ear of social skills. Social skills are – the sum of all the essential skills and qualifications required to live happily with everyone in the society, including establishing interpersonal relationships with the members of the society, moral and behavioural knowledge, cultural knowledge, social awareness, economic empowerment. Educators and sociologists have identified the development of individual social skills as an important goal and objective of modern education.

Cultural goals and objectives of education

Culture is the sum of the behaviours, ideas, knowledge, techniques, skills, meditative ideas, beliefs, habits, etc. of the people living in a particular society. Culture is the full biography of socialized people. Another of these is social heritage. People inherit cultural traits from their ancestors.

Anyone can be left behind due to a lack of proper cultural knowledge. Education can overcome the lack of cultural knowledge. The cultural goal of education is to make the person tasteful by following the truth. The cultural traits that people inherit from their ancestors can often be neither positive nor beneficial. Education helps to avoid those cultural traits that are not positive and beneficial. The purpose of education is to improve all aspects of culture that are positive, beneficial and expected for all.

Objectives of the cultural goal of education

  • Acquiring cultural knowledge
  • Elimination of cultural prejudices
  • To make the person elegant and tasteful
  • Development of cultural customs
  • Containing the beneficial and positive aspects of culture
  • Eliminate the harmful and negative aspects of culture

Moral character constructive goals and objectives

According to many educators, the main goal of education should be to build the moral character of the student. As stated by the German philosopher and educator Johann Friedrich Herbert. Herbert said that the main goal of education is to build the character of the student.

The purpose is to reach the goal of constructing the moral character of education

  • Acquiring and practising higher basics
  • Development of attitude and willpower
  • Disciplined attitude
  • Improving overall moral behaviour

Personal development goals and objectives

One of the basic tenets of modern pedagogy is to awaken the individual’s sense of individuality and to build self-confidence. Sir Thomas Percy Nunn, a British professor and former professor at the University of London, said: Educators have given special importance to the physical, emotional and spiritual development of the students. They believe that healthy body development and having a healthy mind is essential for a full life. Aristotle said, “Education is the name of creating a healthy mind in a healthy body.” Self-realization and self-disclosure, are these two important human qualities of human beings, for the development of which education plays a proper role.

All the objectives that can be achieved by reaching the personal goals of the student through education

  • Promoting proper development of the body
  • Creating a healthy body and a healthy mind in a healthy body
  • Enhancing self-realization and self-expression skills
  • Spiritual development
  • To develop the underlying power
  • Awaken the higher ideals
  • Improving self-knowledge skills
  • Be confident
  • To increase thinking power
  • Built as an individual and intellectually independent

Lifestyle or life-oriented goals and objectives of education

The most important goal of education is the goal of living a full life. Sociologist and educator Herbert Spencer talks about the goal of education; he thinks that people have to possess multifaceted qualities or skills. Through education, people are able to find the right way to live and the right way of life. Education is the perfect preparation for life. Human society is constantly evolving and evolving. As a result, this human society has many features and will continue to have many features in the future. The aim and purpose of education are to adapt the person to all these things or to make them suitable for the current lifestyle.

The purpose of education is to reach the goal of life

  • Adopting the right way of life
  • Adapting to a changing and evolving society
  • Contribute to positive change in society

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