A teacher is a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue. A teacher is often formally called an educator as well. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, a teacher is a person whose job is to teach students about certain subjects. The main duty of a teacher is to instruct students so that they can learn.
A teacher is a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue. | Photo: Facebook/Ako Si Teacher Gon |
Do you want to be a teacher? I do not know what your answer is. But I can share why some people want to be a teacher; an educator or an instructor.
There are some special reasons why people want to be teachers. First of all, teaching or educating is a rewarding job; by teaching they can contribute to building a nation. This makes them part of the glorious and prestigious mission of a country or country. The profession helps them to equip children with the skills to face the practical, professional and emotional challenges of life, and pass on cultural knowledge.
The profession of teaching allows a person to observe others’ learning; to set up confidence; to help children make the transition into adulthood; it can bring a great deal of satisfaction.
There is no job with no challenge, and of course, there are some challenges involved but the rewards of seeing a generation grow and succeed in facing life with confidence and ability often outweigh these problems.
Wise people say that a good teacher is a good friend for his students. Using different teaching aids he will be able to make the class interesting.
When someone becomes a teacher and works with learners, he/she never stops learning. As well as personal satisfaction and professional development the profession of teaching also offers job security, status and respect within the community, access to a team of colleagues who can support him/her in his/her professional development, and the chance to make a difference. A teacher can have a good sense of routine, a regular working day, as well as good holidays. Maybe the salary of a teacher is not high, but other professionals do not have what a teacher has.
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