When the people of the world are trapped in the house for fear of the coronavirus epidemic, the whole of nature is rejoicing. Nature has largely regained some of its lost properties, which would probably not have been possible without the advent of the coronavirus. But when we humans can’t enjoy these changes in nature, can’t go back to the lap of nature, then what else can we have? There is definitely a price. Today or tomorrow we will be able to go out again, we will be able to go to nature. We have faith in our minds, we will be able to return to the form of the Creator again, we will be able to roam like ourselves.
Ever since we started spending time in lockdown, most of us have thought of one thing – reading books, watching movies, spending time on social networks and so on. But how much more? There is no limit to his patience.
We are obsessed with various thoughts in Lockdown. These thoughts vary from person to person. Some are thinking about education, some are thinking about career, some are thinking about whether it is possible to finish some very important unfinished work, some are thinking about business; More like this can be mentioned. Although people have different thoughts from individual to individual, one of the most common questions is, ‘How long will I live like this?’ The wise say not to despair. I believe that even those who used to forbid to be disappointed in something are trapped in the trap of despair today, whether they say it or not. In the midst of all this, we are laughing and laughing. I am hiding all the troubles.
At a time when various health research institutes, including the World Health Organization (WHO), are taking the time to say goodbye to Corona, organizations and people from different sectors are giving courage to the common man like themselves. Everyone is working according to their sector.
Gausul Alam Sumon’s words and Sharmin Sultana Sumi’s song ‘Eksathe Dure Thaki’ (একসাথে দূরে থাকিi) have given us many messages or explained a lot of things. A few days ago, a song was released in West Bengal, India under the banner of Raj Chakraborty Entertainment titled ‘E Bangla Amar Hashbe Abar’ (এ বাংলা আমার হাসবে আবার). We know what this wonderful song is about, or what the message is, but the way it is presented, the melody, the music, the acting, and the overall construction, it pays off.
Saadi Mohammad, Sharmin Sultana Sumi, Tahsan Khan, Elita Karim, Milon Mahmud, Zahid Hasan Nirab and Sandhi sang the Bangladeshi song ‘Eksathe Doore Thaki’ together. Here they are the models and portrayed in such a way that people are inspired to stay at home or to stay at home so that no one is shy; Staying in this house is imagined to be a war.
Gaosul Alam Shaon wants to compare this situation with that terrible March of 1971 and show how terrible it is for us at this time but he is sure that this time the people of Bengal are ready to fight together and eradicate coronavirus from the soil of this country. The song does not even mention COVID-19 or Coronavirus Disease, but it does show how powerful this enemy is and that our caution is paramount. No matter how big the enemy, the lyricist is not in favor of giving up hope and firmly believes that the crisis will soon be over but it requires building forts from house to house. This fort is not the fort of Ekattar, this fort is the fort of all to fight secretly from home to escape from the poison of twenty and to drive it away.
The song tries to unite all of us with the words faith, heart and consciousness, and uses words like “enemy”, “war song” or “fortress” to warn of the horrors of the epidemic.
Prasen, a famous lyricist in West Bengal of India, also has given us the message of hope and said that everything will be fine, the fear of every human being will disappear and crowds will gather at the corners of the road as before because one day there will be no epidemic. But we also have to follow some rules to get rid of it. Prosen also believes that this Bengali will laugh again. The lyrics of this song are very simple but in the magic of the melody it has become outstanding. Shashwat Singh and Nikhita Gandhi are admired by Arindam Sil for their outstanding work. Besides, the way Raj Chakraborty has taken up the work with a bunch of Tollywood actors and actresses is really commendable.
Since I am talking about two Bengali songs from two countries and the content of both songs is the same, many people may ask me which song I like better. In fact, I did not sit down with the grammar of the song or judge in that sense, so I would say, both songs are better than both. I know how well Indian Prosen writes or I don’t know about Arindam’s music arrangement. There is nothing new about Gaosul Alam Shaon from Bangladesh and Sharmin Sultana Shumi from Chirkut band who composed this song.
There are some more songs available online, such as Bangladesh’s ‘Eksathe Doore Thaki’ or West Bengal’s ‘Ei Bangla Amar Hashbe Abaar’ which really works as inspiration for us.
Stay at home for now, stay safe. It’s not too late at night. We’ll hang out again in the neighborhood, at the street corner, on campus. Life will return to work. May the creation of the Creator be good.
Lyrics of the two songs are below—
গান: একসাথে দূরে থাকি (Eksathe Doore Thaki; English: Let’s stay away together) কথা: গাওসুল আলম শাওন (Lyrics: Gaosul Alam Shaon) সুর: শারমিন সুলতানা সুমি (Tune: Sharmin Sultana Sumi) কণ্ঠ: সাদি মোহাম্মদ, সুমি, তাহসান খান, এলিটা করিম, মিলন মাহমুদ, জাহিদ হাসান নীরব এবং সন্ধি (Singers: Saadi Mohammad, Sumi, Tahsan Khan, Elita Karim, Milon Mahmood, Zahid Hasan Nirab & Sandhi) |
আবার এসেছে ফিরে উত্তাল মার্চ আবার হায়েনা দেয় হাসি তৈরি আবারো বাংলার জোয়ান আবার শত্রু নাশী চলো একসাথে দূরে থাকি বিশ্বাসে কাছাকাছি দূরে দূরে কাছে থেকে দেশটাকে ভালো রাখি। এবার শত্রু অদৃশ্য বাতাসে বিষে তারই ইঙ্গিত হতে হবে আরো সাবধান বুকে বুকে বাজে রণসঙ্গীত। জানি আবারো আলোর মিছিলে ফিরবে পথের ভোর ঘরে ঘরে দুর্গ গড়ে দেরি নেই রাত পোহানোর চলো একসাথে দূরে থাকি বিশ্বাসে কাছাকাছি দূরে দূরে কাছে থেকে দেশটাকে ভালো রাখি। চলো একসাথে দূরে থাকি হৃদয়ের কাছাকাছি দূরে দূরে কাছে থেকে দেশটাকে ভালো রাখি। চলো একসাথে দূরে থাকি চেতনায় কাছাকাছি দূরে দূরে কাছে থেকে দেশটাকে ভালো রাখি। |
গান: এই বাংলা আমার হাসবে আবার (Ei Bangla Amar Hasbe Abar; English: This Bengal Will Smile again) কথা: প্রসেন (Lyrics: Prasen) সুর: অরিন্দম (Tune: Arindam) কণ্ঠ: শ্বাশ্বত সিং, নিকিতা গান্ধী (Shashwat Singh, Nikhita Gandhi) |
দেখে নিয়ো ঠিক সেরে যাবে সব, কেটে যাবে ভয় সবার দেখে নিয়ো ঠিক মোড়ের মাথায়, জমে যাবে ভিড় আবার শুধু সহজ কিছু নিয়ম, মেনে চলা যদি যায় মহামারী জরাব্যাধি সব নেবেই নেবে বিদায় এই বাংলা আমার হাসবে আবার, ও ও ও এই বাংলা আমার বাঁচবে আবার, এই বাংলা আমার হোক না একসাথে আজ আবার এই বাংলা তোমার আমার দেখে নিয়ো ঠিক খুলে নিঃশ্বাস ভালো থাকার দিন কাছেই দেখে নিয়ো ঠিক বদলাবে সব বদলে যাওয়ার যা আছে শুধু সহজ কিছু নিয়ম মেনে চলা যদি যায় মহামারীর পিছু গুলো সব নেবেই নেবে বিদায় এই বাংলা আমার, হাসবে আবার, ও ও ও এই বাংলা আমার বাঁচবে আবার, এই বাংলা আমার হোক না একসাথে আজ আবার এই বাংলা তোমার আমার এই বাংলা আমার, হাসবে আবার, ও ওও এই বাংলা আমার বাঁচবে আবার, এই বাংলা আমার হোক না একসাথে আজ আবার এই বাংলা তোমার আমার! |
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