Macro and Micro Lesson Plans

Lesson planning is decision-making about the selection, timing and evaluation process of appropriate teaching methods and techniques in the light of the content, learning outcomes and skills of a specific lesson or lesson before teaching in the classroom. Lesson plans are mainly of two types, namely-

  1. Macro lesson plan

  2. Micro lesson Plan.

When a macro lesson is planned for a long time, a micro lesson plan is only planned for a specific class.

Macro Lesson Plan

What is a Macro Lesson plan

The English word ‘macro’ is derived from the Greek word ‘makros’. The meaning of the word is big, long, tall or large.

Macro Lesson Plan is a type of curriculum-based lesson plan that is formulated by a teacher or institution to teach a specific subject for a long time such as a full month, a full semester or a full academic year.

A macro is a blueprint for the course curriculum that students will be taught. The plan is broken down into a timeline that covers the entire course in a series of lessons. It responds to the subject’s what, why, when, and how questions.

Macro lesson plans are developed to facilitate the teaching and learning process and to create a more effective document of regular teaching progress.

Objectives and importances of the Macro Lesson Plan

A macro lesson is a blueprint for the course curriculum that students will be taught and it is divided into a timeline that covers the entire course in a series of lessons. A macro lesson plan is prepared to document the progress, deterioration, limitations, necessary steps etc. of the teaching along with proper teaching plan and teaching according to the teaching plan of the selected subject to be taught in the whole academic year or half the academic year to achieve specific skills or learning outcomes of a particular class of students.

Macro lesson plan is resorted to to make the teaching process or teaching-learning activities interesting and easy. Preparation of such lesson plans gives a clear and effective idea of ​​identifying the materials required for teaching and providing the materials.

A lot can be anticipated in advance about the problems that may arise from the students’ end while teaching the chosen subject, thereby being prepared to solve possible problems.

Macro lesson plans can play an important role in discovering and implementing appropriate and relatively advanced teaching methods and techniques to achieve learning outcomes of the subject or content that is decided to be taught in a specific long period of time.

Advantages of Macro Lesson Plans

  1. A macro lesson plan is used to prepare an accurate plan of teaching and learning for the entire academic year of any class.

  2. A Macro lesson plan can be used to record all the activities organized in the classroom.

  3. Education researchers claim that all types of teaching methods and techniques can be applied in large scale teaching plans (macro lesson plan).

  4. Resources and instructional materials for teaching to sustain learning outcomes can be detailed in macro lesson plans.

  5. Approximate decisions can be made about problems that may arise in learning activities.

  6. General and effective decisions can be made to use appropriate methods and techniques for all subjects and content.

  7. Effectiveness of methods and strategies and learning outcomes can be assessed through macro lesson plans.

Disadvantages or limitations of macro lesson plans

  1. Since the macro lesson plan is a long plan and is made for all the students in the classroom together, sometimes slow learners face some difficulties in this plan.

  2. Larger lesson plans require more time to implement.

  3. The methods and techniques mentioned in macro lesson plans are often impractical.

  4. Macro lesson plans can boost teachers’ confidence. 

  5. Micro lesson plans are sometimes needed to implement larger or macro lesson plans.

Micro Lesson Plan

What is a Micro Lesson Plan?

The English word ‘micro’ originates from the Greek word ‘mikros’; it means— short; small.

A micro lesson plan is a strategic plan for teaching a specific subject of a specific class on a specific day and time. The micro lesson plan is a daily teaching strategy developed by teachers for a specific day, lesson, or subject. It includes a specific topic that must be taught for a set period of time.

Micro lesson plans are also called mini lesson plans, and this type of lesson plans are mostly prepared by the teacher.

Objectives and importances of Micro Lesson Plans

When a macro lesson plan plans on all the content of a subject in a semester or an academic year, micro lesson plan aims at how a specific lesson or lesson within a given subject is covered in a one day class activity. What will be taught in a specific class within a specific time limitation is planned through a micro lesson plan.

The purpose of micro lesson planning is to organize the daily teaching process smoothly. Appropriate approach is usually followed by micro lesson planning or sub-lesson notes to help students achieve the learning outcomes of the assigned lesson or lesson in daily classroom activities and to assess progress and take immediate action.

Advantages of Micro Lesson Plans

The benefits of developing a mini lesson plan are:

  1. Daily lessons can be easily assigned for activities that teach learning across subjects.

  2. It is possible to guarantee maximum support to the students in achieving the learning outcomes of the prescribed lessons.

  3. In a fruitful teaching through micro lesson plan, taking necessary actions in activities and evaluating progress towards learning outcomes are easier.

  4. If a method or technique used to teach a particular lesson or lesson is deemed unsuitable, it can be replaced by a more appropriate method or technique.

  5. One of the major advantages of micro lesson plans is that as these lesson plans are daily and period based, the whole or any part of the plan can be easily replaced with a new plan, if required.

  6. Micro lesson plans can play a helpful role in enhancing teacher-student interaction and communication. 

  7. Micro lesson plans can increase the teacher’s confidence in teaching and learning activities smartly.

  8. Micro lesson plans can help a teacher develop a deeper understanding of each student.

Disadvantages or Limitations of Micro Lesson Plans

Some of the disadvantages and limitations of micro lesson plans are mentioned below:

  1. Micro lesson plans are often skill-focused rather than content-focused.

  2. The time allocation shown in the micro lesson plan is often impossible to implement accurately.

  3. Merely teaching learning through small lesson plans is not sufficient to achieve the specified learning outcomes, it also requires macro lesson plans.

Difference between Macro Lesson Plan and Micro Lesson Plan

Differences between macro and micro lesson plans mentioned in the following table—

  1. Macro lesson plans are developed for an entire semester or academic year; On the other hand micro lesson plans are formulated on a daily basis.

  2. Macro lesson plans are designed for the entire subject; but micro lesson plans on the other hand are designed for a specific lesson or lesson.

  3. Macro lesson plans emphasize equal importance to content and skills; on the contrary, Micro lesson plans are often skill-focused only.

  4. Macro lesson plans are less effective than micro lesson plans in terms of learning outcomes. But Micro lesson plans are more effective than macro lesson plans in terms of learning outcomes.

Also several differences can be identified when a teacher plans and implements both these types of lessons.

Final Words

When a macro lesson is planned for a long time, a micro lesson plan is only planned for a specific class. Whether lesson plans are macro or micro, both types have certain advantages as well as limitations. But it can never be said that one is better than the other; but both two types of lesson plans are important based on specific situations.

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