It has been broadcast that the Marvel Cinematic Universe believes (MCU) casting Robert Downye Jr. for the role of Tony Stark aka Iron Man was a mistake. It was the biggest risk in the history of MCU, said by the authority head.
Recently the head of MCU Kevin Feige admits that casting Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark was the biggest risk. Kevin Feige is the president of Marvel Studio. He also said that the Marvel Cinematic Universe wouldn’t be what it is today without him.
It is circulated that Robert Downey Jr was famously coming off of a career lull marred by personal troubles when Jon Favreau, the director of Iron Man and Iron Man 2, pushed for him to be cast as Tony Stark (Iron Man) in the inaugural film of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. After that, Robert Downey Jr emerged as one of the highest-paid actors in the world. The actor is in semi-retirement in these days.
Recently Feige told a magazine that after his working with X-Men and Spider-Man movies he wanted to make Iron Man. He believes that casting Robert Downey Jr was the biggest risk but without casting him MCU would not be in the position where it is now.
Film lovers of all over the world know that Robert Downey Jr is an outstanding actor; Feige also recognises it; the Marvel Studio presdent has another observation about Downey Jr. In Feige’s view, although Robert Downey Jr is an amazing actor hadn’t been an action and marquee star. The Marvel boss claims that he said not to cast Downey Jr. for the role of Iron Man but Jon Favreau, the director of first Iron Man movies did not care about it. According to the Marvel official, the decision of taking Robert and the success of that decision empowered the with further risks and further choices.
Jon Favreau, director of the first two Iron Man movies, said that was his job as a director to show that it had the best choice, and the Marvel Universe is the biggest franchise in film history because of Robert Downey Jr.; he was really talented. By studying the role and developing that script the director realised that the character had seemed to line up with Robert Downey Jr. in all the good and bad ways. The story of Iron Man is really the story of Robert, Jon think.
Robert Downey Jr. bid goodbye to the Marvel Cinematic Universe in 2019, with Avengers: Endgame.
Robert Downey Jr. played Iron Man over a decade, but what is happening to him now? Will he return with his respective role? Will Marvel cast him again?
We know thar Tony Stark died in the Avengers: End Game, so Marvel has to cast him for prequels, if they want. They made a prequel of Black Widow, people loved it; and for sure, will love Iron Man’s, if MCU back Robert in the role.
I believe, if MCU makes some prequels without Rober Downey Jr., they will fail to knock movie lovers doors.
Phase four of Avengers is going on, it seemed that all of the films of this phase of the series will be prequel.
I will be happy, if I see Robert in the role of Iron Man. I cannot think of Tony Stark without Robert. Robert is the best, and is Tony Stark.
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